

大学女子学院 & St. 玛格丽特女子学校

1865 to 1869

大学女子学院 was established in 1865 and led by Reverend R.G. 威廉姆斯和他的妻子在最初的四年里. 这所学校位于沃特伯里市中心的库克和格罗夫街. 

1869 to 1875

大学女子学院 went through a number of principals in quick succession following Rev. R.G. Williams and his wife and was closed for a year due to severe financial problems. 

1875 to 1882

1875年6月8日,牧师. 弗朗西斯·塞耶·罗素,圣. 约翰的教堂, paid off the school’s debts with the help of the Waterbury Community and obtained a charter. The property was presented to the Episcopal Church for a diocesan school and was renamed St. 玛格丽特女子学校, after Queen Margaret of Scotland and her exemplary values and virtues. 

Dr. 拉塞尔成为了校长. 圣. 玛格丽特的 graduates was held and the Alumnae Association was formed on June 16, 1882.

1882 to 1907

在接下来的二十年里,圣. 玛格丽特学校开始提供诸如运动队之类的课外活动, 合唱团, 一本文学杂志和一本年鉴. In 1891, Miss Hillard was appointed assistant principal  and spent the following sixteen years as principal until she left in 1907.

1907 to 1913

十六年之后, Miss Hillard left her role as principal and was replaced by Miss Emily Gardner Munro. 与圣公会的联系得以保持. 约翰。路易斯被任命为圣. 玛格丽特的. 在此期间, Munro小姐 refined the curriculum to require proficiency in fewer subjects and the college program courses were enhanced.

1913 to 1928


阿尔伯塔省C. 埃德尔毕业于哥伦比亚大学. 玛格丽特在1913年秋天成为一名教员. 在十年的时间里, Miss Edell gained experience and was named to succeed the current principal, Munro小姐, in 1923. 

1928 to 1948

与此同时, 受托人认识到目前的入学人数已经过剩, 因此,新校区的计划得以推进, and in the fall of 1928 grades 5-12 moved to a new school building on Chase Parkway. The new brick building stood on a knoll overlooking the city of Waterbury and the library and drawing rooms were named after Frederick J. 金斯伯里和奥古斯都. 蔡斯,两位捐助者和学校的受托人. 

不久,一座名为St. Margaret's "Little School" was erected on Columbia Boulevard in place of the old school and girls enrolled from grades K-4.

1948 to 1949

Miss Edell retired in June 1948, after twenty-five years as Headmistress. 露丝·钱德勒小姐(后来的钱德勒夫人. 道格拉斯·奥德·谢泼德森(Douglas old Shepardson)被任命填补这一职位. 钱德勒小姐来过圣. 玛格丽特于1920年毕业,教了28年英语. 在她的管理下,圣. Margaret's was invited to form a chapter of the Cum Laude Society - the first girls' school in Connecticut to be so honored.

此时此刻, 所有的学生, 教师和班级都集中在一栋楼里, so plans were begun to expand the school's physical plant to address the needs created by increased enrollment.

1949 to 1956

1949年11月18日,温妮弗雷德. Pine, was named Interim Headmistress until the appointment of Miss Pauline S. 1950年6月,费尔班克斯担任女校长. Miss Fairbanks quickly became involved in building maintenance and campaigning for capital development. 1954年,纪念大楼落成. 今天,这座建筑被称为营地大厅,是低年级学校的所在地.

认识到校友对学校的重要性, three graduates were elected to serve terms on the Board of Trustees in 1951. Then in 1956, Miriam Noble Camp '17 was elected as a regular member of the Board.

1956 to 1962

In 1961, the property in downtown Waterbury was sold to the McTernan School, and St. 玛格丽特的学校现在完全被蔡斯公园路校区包围了.

新校区继续扩大. Three properties located near the school were purchased to house faculty, 管理人员和校友办公室. In 1962, 作为学校百年发展计划的一部分, 一座巴特勒大楼是由查尔斯·E. 福尔克森,并在校园内进行了重组. Fulkerson Hall housed a gymnasium, auditorium, language laboratory and day student facilities. 今天被称为富尔克森艺术中心, the building continues to serve as a gymnasium and auditorium where an art studio and photography dark room are now located. The 艺术 Center is also home to the Highlander 剧院 Company, the school's theater group.

1965 to 1967

In 1965, in celebration of the school's one-hundredth year, the Centennial Library was dedicated. 这座被称为高中的建筑建于1967年.

1967 to 1972

费尔班克斯小姐退休后,她的职位由费尔班克斯先生接替. 皮尔森·梅尔彻于1968年任职,直到1972年. 奥黛丽·库克被任命为临时校长.
The decline in the number of boarding students forced the Trustees to entertain the possibility of transforming St. 玛格丽特进入了一所走读学校,并选择合并圣. 玛格丽特和另一所学校要创建一个男女同校的机构. 因为圣. Margaret's and the McTernan School, merging the two institutions seemed to be logical. 这一选择得到了两所学校董事会的支持, 1972年, 这两所学校合并为圣. 玛格丽特's-McTernan学校, 一个教派之分, 男女同校的乡村走读学校位于大通公园路校区.



1910 to 1912

1910年,. Charles McTernan recognized the need for an independent school that would prepare local boys to enter college preparatory schools.

1912 to 1916

Mr. Frederick Chase of Waterbury had hired Charles McTernan to tutor his sons. In 1912, under his ownership and with financial assistance from such prominent benefactors as Mr. 追逐,先生. 梅里曼博士. 芒格,麦克特南学派成立.

他在St. 库克街和格罗夫街的玛格丽特学校. McTernan was aided by several local businessmen in purchasing land on Columbia Boulevard.

1916 to 1917


1917 to 1938

In 1917, a house was built to the rear of the new school to house faculty and the McTernan family; in 1925, the Headmaster's Wing was constructed to provide accommodations for a small boarding department. Starting in 1928, these three buildings, which had been connected, were used as one facility. 许多男孩都曾是圣. Margaret's "Little School" for grades K-2, and then attended the McTernan School for grades 3-8.

1938 to 1945

1938年,. McTernan deeded his school to a Board of Trustees to be operated as a nonprofit institution.

1945 to 1970

Mr. Berkeley 霍奇, a McTernan School graduate and teacher, was appointed Headmaster in 1946. He instituted language training and athletics into the curriculum and built a new gymnasium in 1955 after a successful capital fund drive.

Mr. 温斯顿Ranft, 1952年被任命为副校长的教师兼教练, 被任命为校长接替. 霍奇. During his tenure as Headmaster, the McTernan School expanded through the purchase of St. Margaret's "Little School" and restructured to accommodate boys from kindergarten through grade nine and girls from kindergarten through grade four. Mr. 兰特在1970年搬到佛罗里达之前一直是这所学校的校长.

1970 to 1972

1970年,. 克莱顿B. 斯宾塞接替了. Ranft as Headmaster and continued in that capacity until 1972 when he was appointed Headmaster of the newly merged St. 玛格丽特's-McTernan学校.




2005年,St. 玛格丽特-麦克特南学校更名为蔡斯学院学校. 新名字是为了纪念蔡斯家族,他们帮助创建了St. Margaret's and McTernan, and preserves the original name by which the school was known.

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